Linda Ikeji Shares fake wedding pictures - Juliet Africa Blog


Wednesday 26 September 2018

Linda Ikeji Shares fake wedding pictures

After deceiving us with fake pregnancy, the famous blogger Linda Ifeoma Ikeji went ahead to share a fake wedding pictures

To start with the image above doesn't have any resemblance with the so called famous blogger Linda Ifeoma Ikeji, the image above belong to a northern personnel, and am so surprised how they customized a banner to deceive us, I don't know why we Nigerians are so much carried away by mere material wealth. Truth they say is bitter, truth be told, this lady have been deceiving us, from Fake pregnancy to fake marriage.

For crying out loud this lady is not  god that we keep hiding her deceit.

One thing that surprises me is that this lady doesn't keep quiet anytime a known personality does something questionable or unusual,  and yet she is doing all these things and what we Nigerians do is congratulate her all because she is rich,  common Nigerians this isn't right at all,let us all call a spade a spade. 

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